Thursday, October 1, 2009

Industrial Mode of Domination

“The patriarchy is a complicated structure. Mythologically, it is matriarchal on the inside, and a matriarchy is equally complicated, being patriarchal on the inside. The political structure has to resmble our interior structure. And we know each man has a woman inside him, and each womas has a man inside her.

The genuine patriarchy brings down the sun through the Sacred King, into every man and every woman in the culture; and the genuine matriarchy brings down the moon, through the Sacred Queen, to every woman and man in the culture. The death of the Sacred King and Queen means that we live now in a system of industrial domination, which is not patriarchy. The system we live in gives no honor to the male mode of feeling nor, to the female mode of feeling. The system of industrial domination determines how things go with us in the world of resources, values and allegiances; what animals live and what animals die; how children are treated. And in the mode of industrial domination there is neither king nor queen.”

Robert Bly
; “Iron John” (P.98)

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